And so the journey begins...

April 24, 2020 1 min read

And so the journey begins... It literally took me days to write this post. I wondered, am I crazy to start a business in these times? Shouldn't I wait? I have complete faith though that we can make it through this and come out better for it on the other side, and clinging to this faith I am taking the leap... The journey actually started a couple years ago, on a trip to Mexico (I will tell you all about it in a later post...). But it is now taking a new turn: I am working towards introducing my designs in a crowdfunding campaign this Fall. Such a sweet little sentence, and it comes with such big emotions -- I am so excited for the journey itself, and so scared to jump into the unknown.

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me. I couldn't do it without you. There will be many exciting steps and stories along the way and I can't wait to share them with you -- like the one about how my designs came about on that trip to Mexico... be continued...

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